Welcome to One in a Million Bible study!

Welcome to a journey with God. I pray that God challenges you in your spiritual walk. May you respond to the things that HE desires of you!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Week 1

Week 1:

Hi Ladies! Here are the questions for week one. I hope that you will post your ideas/ perspectives by Sunday. Please also feel free to pose any other questions that you might have, or offer some new insights on the topics.

1. Why do the people of God not experience an “abundant” relationship with him? (Abundant meaning- full, exciting, yielding plenty, more than enough) Many are choosing “entrapment” rather than abundance, why?

2. How do you think Egypt became a place of bondage for the Israelites, when in originality it was a place of safety for them? How does that relate to our own personal lives?

3.What kinds of things do we forfeit when we continue to live in bondage to the things of the world?

4.“Being declared free gives us eternal freedom but walking in it gives us daily freedom.” (P.15) What does that mean to our daily life? What does it look like in a “real” sense?

5.(Personal question…just think about it, you don’t have to post it.) Hebrews 12:1 “Let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us.” What sin has you entangled? What sin does Satan continue to bombard you with to keep you distracted from the things of God?

6.I loved the illustration that was used about the Emancipation of the slaves. Priscilla talked about how the house slave’s life was simple and fairly convenient. It came with certain perks. What perks of life make it hard to break away from the things that cause us bondage?

7.Re-read Numbers 11:4-7. I loved this verse because I never understood why the Israelites would want to return to the onions and leaks of Egypt. After studying it further, I realized that they just missed the aromas and the smells of something that had flavor. Isn’t that how Satan tries to lure us back with the idea that we are “missing” something in this life? We remember the things that seemed “fun” or more exciting at the time, but we forget the labor and the beatings that went along with getting those onions and leaks. How does Satan “remind” you of the onions and leaks in your own life?

8.“Manna” - This was God’s provision for them in the wilderness. How many times do we completely miss the miraculous because we aren’t satisfied with the things that God is giving us at the moment. We’re looking for meat while God is miraculously providing manna on a daily basis. What are some examples of the manna that God does/ has provided for you?

9.One of my favorite quotes from the week: “God gave manna not only to sustain them in their journey but also to wean the Hebrews off their accustomed tastes.” He began the process of taking the desire/ taste of Egypt out of the mouths of the Israelite children so that they could “taste and see that Lord is good! (Psalms 34:8) How many hurts, bruises do we have to endure for God to get us over the “tastes” of the world? Share your favorite quote from the week for this question. What did God teach you through that section of the homework?

10. God has invited us to expect and anticipate more out of our walk with him. What does that mean for your own spiritual walk?

11. Are you being “wild women” of God? (p.29) Are you praying and believing God for an answer? Are you asking and then expecting? If not, give it a try this week. Pray and seek God for an answer. He might not answer right away, but you can be assured that he is listening to the questions. Believe God for some great things this week!!!!

Thanks Ladies! Praying for you all. I can’t wait to read all your answers!!!


  1. 1. I think we miss the abundant life because of fear, lack of control, bad habits, or lack of support.
    2. Sin and the shackles of life entered into the picture. Sin can side-swipe us and knock us off our feet. If we’re not careful to be preventative and really intentional with our values, and actions, we too could really end up in trouble.
    3. We forfeit the blessings of true freedom from the shackles that bind us to our sin if we don’t let go of the things that tie us down. We miss out on the true peace Christ can give our hearts and minds.
    4. I think for me, walking in daily freedom goes back to the list in the back of the book talking about promised-land living. For me, that means living free from worry and anxiety my human sinful nature wants to do naturally, or remembering all the fruits of the spirit in my daily life, not just some, but all of the characteristics. And the list could go on and on. It’s a daily, sometimes minute by minute choice to choose Christ, not allow my sinful nature to get the stronghold.

    6. Sometimes for me, the sin can appear easier and allows me to be lazy, which means less work.
    7. I’m not sure how to answer this one…
    8. Sometimes I have to step back and look at my life to realize how blessed we really are. To have such a great job where I work with such great people and kids and can get some great laughs on a daily basis, this is a blessing. It’s easy to take this for granite. Just the sheer blessings of a healthy, happy, comfortable life with a great home and family are a huge blessing that many do not know. To say we all are blessed is an understatement, especially in light of the Haiti crisis that is just unbelievable.
    9. One of the quotes that spoke to me was on page 16: “We must realize the Devil has assigned taskmasters to us too. The Enemy of our souls knows our strengths and weaknesses, and he has the goal of contriving ways to keep us under his thumb.” I know the Enemy has my number and knows exactly how to get me down! But the follow-up quote from the first day on page 9 is a great response to that: “Why don’t the people of God, who can tap into so much divine power, break through the barriers that keep us from experiencing an abundant relationship with Him?” I have to remember I can call on the King of Kings, He is the answer!
    10. I’ve already been convicted to let go of some things that have tied me down and experience the true freedom Christ has already provided for me.
    11. Thanks Christi for the challenges!!! I am thankful for you!!!
    Michelle Confer

  2. Here are my answers for the week:

    1. I think a lot of people are just "satisfied" with where they are with God. It's easier to just go through the motions and call yourself a Christian rather than go to the "extremes" like some would like to call. However, what the Bible calls for Christians to do should not be looked at like it is "extreme"- it should be just the minimum that Christians do. Being completely SOLD OUT for Christ will cause us to have to make some sacrifices in our own personal lives.

    2. I don't think that God ever intended for Egypt to be the place where the Israelites were to stay. I think it was a place where God supplied their needs for food, etc. during the famine. However, that generation decided the "perks" were too great to give up, so they just settled there. (Genesis 42-on)

    3.I think we forfeit blessings that would completely blow our minds! I think God would show up in ways that we would never forsee because we would then be walking by faith!

    4. Free is different for each individual, but it would allow people to not continualy questions their own motives for things. It would allow individuals to know what the heart of GOd is in many situations. I think it would also release that issue of wondering what others would think of you.

    6. I can get caught up in looking at what others have and asking why I can't have those things, etc. God doesn't call everyone to have the "nice" things of life. I have nice things but God calls me to do different things with the resources that HE provides. It's hard sometimes giving and giving knowing that I could have a nicer house, clothes, etc. but that's not what God desires of me right now. He will bless in those areas and I know that. It's just that the culture continues to bombard us with the idea of having something better...and better is not always better for us! :)

    7. I think God reminds us of how we had this or that in a different season of life. He wants us to look back on our journey with God and lose our focus on what God has before us right now. Even in the wilderness, you have to remind yourself that things that are before you will always be better than the things that you left behind!

    8. I too have to remind myself that I am so blessed with the things that I don't thank him for such as: a Fabulous job, great husband, a very comfortable house, car, etc. I take so much for granted. I tend to be looking for what's next, and miss on what is seen right now.

    9.-10. God is really challenging me to ask him for more. Not more things, but more from Him. Asking him to show up in ways I didn't anticipate. Asking him for more mininistry opportunities, etc. My view of God is way too small!!!!

    11. Praying BIG things! :)

  3. those last comments were mine: jandcwed: Christi :)

  4. 1. I think that many times it is easier to settle for mediocrity. Living in abundance requires more than just attending church every once in a while- or even weekly. I think sometimes it is easy to stay trapped because Satan can make entrapment so appealing, and many times we become so disillusioned and/or defeated that we don't think we can break that chain.
    2. Perhaps the Hebrews continued to stay in Egypt even after becoming enslaved because they also appreciated the "perks". They also may have become resigned to their lives of slavery and did not call on God's power to remove them from that bondage.
    3. We can forfeit true peace, contentment, true happiness, freedom, blessings... so many things!
    4. Walking in daily freedom to me means not living a lifestyle of sin; releasing worries and fear; trusting God in the small things as well as the big.
    6. As the book said, Satan is an expert at providing some "perks" with sin. I know I get tired of seeing people who do not lead a lifestyle that reflects Christ seemingly "succeed". One "perk" that I battle is feeling like I'm in control- that I have the freedom to do what I want. I have definitely learned that there is not much that I do control- just my choices and reactions to things.
    7. I could definitely relate to the author's example of how she would think back to college and all the "fun" she had. I definitely was not serious about living in abundance at that time in my life, and sometimes Satan reminds me of that. I just have to remind myself that I was really living in bondage, even though I thought I was enjoying freedom.
    8. At this time in my life, I can see how God provides me with enough "manna" just to survive every day. He has supplied godly, Christian friends that have helped me get through the last 4 months. God has always provided for us financially, and I am trusting that He will continue as James job-hunts.
    9. It spoke to me when she said that "one more thing that keeps us from journeying with God into a life that flows with the Holy Spirit's power- a narrow view of God creates a boundary that limits our experience of Him". I have definitely changed a lot in the last few years by expanding my view of God and how He works. The last few months have only increased that change exponentially.
    10. I am still just trying to navigate this new road I've been placed on- especially difficult because I don't understand it at all. As odd as it probably sounds, it is still difficult for me to pray "deeply". I am thankful for others interceding and that the Holy Spirit does this for me.
    11. Praying for clarity, understanding (as much as humanly possible), and direction. Thank you for taking the time to do this, Christi!

  5. One thing that I thought of right after I finished posting was how Satan also uses memories of times of entrapment in our lives to bring us back down. That is a struggle for me- hard for me to forgive myself for things even though I know God has forgiven me. Satan has really used this tactic against me with my current circumstances.

  6. 1.I think far too often the people of God don’t know how to experience that abundant life, relationship with HIM. Our world is full of distractions that steal away our attention and we don’t know how to stay focused on him. I think we all want it and desire it but just like in any relationship you have to cultivate it and work on it, there are so many other things here on earth that we see and touch that something that is unseen is sadly overlooked at times.

    2. They allowed all the pleasures to take over so when it was time to leave they were not able to let go completely, they longed for that time and place again. I know for me personally it relates in relationships, male and female. They start out great and bring value to your life but when we see that that friendship or partner isn’t someone that helps us grow or encourages us in our walk its hard to leave them. I have attached to something that wasn’t right as did the Israelites.

    3. WE forfeit true freedom, peace, God’s perfect plan for our life

    4. Daily freedom would allow us to truly see what God would want for our life that day. Each day is a fresh start and I miss out so often on what he has for me. He has so much to give us, that we don’t see because of our lifestyle choices, I so want to live in daily freedom

    6. Perks? I think pleasure is a perk that causes bondage, all kinds of pleasures. Eating, laziness to taking care of our temple, lust (just turn on the tv and see it in commercials even), I’m sounding like my mom now but even some music that we listen too is trapping us into lustful, anything that might interfere with your life, relationships…all things in moderation is what we hear but is that just a lie from satan?

    7 Satan is really good at that in my life…when I struggle with loneliness is he just quick to pull me into that poor me thinking. He tries to stir up old feelings for me that cause me to doubt God and doubt that anyone would want me. I hate pity parties and satan knows it!

    8. I never really understood the manna/wilderness struggle, but this week I was so amazed. I was crying thinking that God was supplying for them STRAIGHT from HEAVEN!! How awesome would that be to see God drop something from Heaven everyday??? They didn’t appreciate it at all!! I love nature and the things God has done in it…he SENDS us sunrises, rain, flowers, birds, oxygen, life, sunsets EVERY DAY!!! I try to thank him often but NOT enough!!!

    9. Rest assured, God’s meal will be better suited to your palate than anything your time in Egypt could provide. He shows me that God’s plan is far better than anything I could choose for myself…waiting on him to reveal his meal plan!

    10. That if I put the time into growing in my relationship with him he will show up and provide a life of freedom

    11. I want to be a WILD WOMAN….and right along with you ALL!! Praying that our journey is the best we have ever taken!!


  7. 1. My first thought with that question was sin. Sin separates us from Him, and if we don't confess that sin, we are not fully living the life He intended. I also thought of priorities. Are we making Him top priority? Our number one? If not, we cannot experience His full and abundant life. (Of course, priority would go right back to sin.) Another thought...fear. It is easy to want to stay in our comfort zone. Surely I am not the only one to sometimes be "afraid" to completely sell out to Him, afraid that the abundant life He has for me is way out of my comfort zone (like pick up and move to Africa).

    2. It does seem so strange to me that Egypt was a place of safety but soon became a place of bondage. And with so many, you would think the children of God would have risen up to reclaim that freedom. It reminds me of a song we used to sing (many years ago) in youth group about a frog sitting in water. The water temperature is slowly raised. He learns to adjust to that temperature and doesn't escape. After a while, the pot is boiling and the frog is cooked, and he never tried to escape. We let sin come in slowly and bind us, but we don't realize that it has become a stronghold.

    3.We forfeit an abundant life in Christ by living in the world. We think we are "free" here but we actually can have complete freedom in Him.

    4. Having that daily freedom, walking in Him, is a challenge yet the rewards are beyond our comprehension. It means getting up every day, telling God that you are ready to follow Him, spending time with Him, and letting Him lead you and guide you in every decision, every choice. Sounds so easy. :)

    6.I think for me one of the biggest perks that it makes it easy to want to stay in the life of bondage is being in a comfort zone. We get comfortable (kind of like that frog in hot water). We let ourselves believe that we are living a life of freedom or that this is just the way things are. It is hard to say, "This isn't working and I need to let Him make a change."

    7. Just last night I was making some salsa. I was cutting up an onion for it. My daughter came in and commented on how bad it smelled. My eyes were watering but I was actually enjoying the act of cutting it and the smell of it...not that it is a sweet smell but because it had a strong aroma...better than a "boring" ho-hum scent or the scent of nothing at all. It is easy to see how we can be tempted back into that life. When we picture the Christian life, it is easy to think of it as "boring" and "ho hum". We long for that excitement that unfortunately comes with sin, not to mention the immediate gratification usually associated with it.

    8.I was really interested in the passage and her words about manna. I have found myself reading that before thinking, "You know, I like bread, but I would get tired of eating it every day." Somehow I hadn't paid attention to the fact that it was actually sweet. I should know my God better than that...He isn't going to serve plain old bread! Anyway, my first thought was His Word...we can have that manna every day. And yet I am sometimes like the people of Israel, complaining that I want more. I also have been trying to actually recall "gratitudes" on my blog, though I forget sometimes. I need to remember the things God does give each day through my job, my family, my friends, His creations.

  8. Part 2...apparently I am too wordy, and I had to remove the last part of my answer to post because I had too many characters. :) Here is the second part...
    9. I will have to think further on this question. I did the lesson pretty quick this week because I was a little late getting the book. The other thing is that the day I got the book, some things (though minor) went very wrong...one of them being my computer was attacked with a really big trojan that caused several problems and totally took my attention. (I kept thinking I wouldn't even be able to complete any questions because I thought my computer was dead!) And I found myself wondering as I finally did sit down to to read the study how easy it is for Satan to interfere with God's people's desire to grow in Him.

    10. Well, one thing I need to be doing is meeting up for Him each day to walk with Him. Lately I have been hanging out at "home", letting myself be immersed in the details of life, rather than running out the door to meet Him. And there is no telling where He might take me if I would just follow Him!

    11. One of my hopes through this study is to be a wild woman of God. This past year has been a "mellow" year, relying on a quiet faith. I want to feel that passion ignited again.

  9. 1. I think we are content where we are and do not think of ourselves being "entrapped" but we are missing so much! We also might think we would have to give up too much to have an abundant relationship with Him.

    3. I think we give up so much more than we can even imagine. We think the world can offer everything we will ever need but we are missing so many blessings.

    6. Sometimes it is just easier to live in sin and not think about what we are doing. Just tuning it out. We have to make conscience decisions to stay out of "bondage".

    8. Even though Cody does not have a job right now we are still so blessed...house, food, heat, cars, really everything we need. He provides for us on a daily basis but sometimes I can get caught up in the fact that Cody doesn't have a job and miss out on the daily blessings like the fact that we are getting to spend a LOT of quality time together before the baby comes. :)

    Thanks Christi!! I'm enjoying this study.

  10. 1. I have two thoughs for number 1. Many times we take the "easy" road-feel like too much is being asked of us or that it's hard for us to let go of the known for the unknown. The second thing I think is that we do it out of fear-fear of not being in control (like we really are in control anyway) but we like to think we are. And fear of what others may think.
    I also think that maybe as Christians/teachers at church, etc. that we don't teach our kids how to really have a deep relationship and expect an abundant life-I know I wasn't taught this growing up.
    2. Sometimes sin just creeps in before we even know what has hit us. We start out with good intentions, but little by little we allow it to slip in. We must stay focused, in the Word and Prayer to stay in a place God calls us to be.
    3. We forfeit a close relationship with God and with fellow believers-because we feel ashamed or have something to hide. We forfeit a life of blessings that God has for us. Not to mention living life in a constant state of fear and unhappiness.
    4. It's not just about "fire insurance"--just making a profession of faith to save us from an eternal life in hell, but it's about what we are going to do with the freedom that has been give to us. To daily live a life pleasing to God and to share our faith with those around us.

  11. So I am wordy and it' wouldn't let me post all my answers in one post-so here's the rest....
    6. Comfort is always right there--it's the easy way out. But maybe it's because it's familiar, or we are with people we already know or have established a relationship with, so we don't step out with faith like we should. Maybe we feel like there is no other choice-we feel trapped from a financial situation, or we are so practical that we just can't let go of the step by step process to go to the unknown that God has for us.
    7. Sometimes through people that somehow pop back into our lives that you may have purposefully walked away from. Sometimes it's just the thoughts that come back into our head from the past. He brings back up those thoughts to try and reel us back into the trap.
    8. For so many years, my husband and I longed for children of our own in our home. He was a youth director and we constantly had kids at our house, we babysat for others , we dealth with some tough issues with them, prayed with them, taught them God's love, and watched them grow. We had to constantly remind ourselves, that even though they weren't ours biologically they were a very vital part of our lives. Had we not stayed in tune with that, we would have missed so many blessing along the way that each of those kids brought into our lives. Not to mention the incredibally valuable training He was giving us to prepare us for adopting 3 beautiful children of our own. They too came with some issues in their lives, but again, God had been blessing us by already training and preparing us all of those year.
    9. Manna was not to bore the children of Israel but to show them a new diminsion of Him. The portion is given to us just as freely as He gave it to the Israelites.
    Have you ever gone to the grocery store looking for a particular product, let's say chocolate chip cookies. You get there and you find that there are more choices than you could possibly imagine-soft, crunchy, chunky, with peanut butter, little ones, big ones, packaged ones, bakery ones, packages of mix to make your own, refrigerator dough. So many choices, you can't decide. Sometimes that's like life. We have so many choices to make that we just get overwhelmed and make a decision that might not be the best one for us, or we might not take the time to ask God what decision He wants us to make. It's better with less choices. If we saturate ourselves with just God and His word, we don't crave anything else, we just crave more of the Good life with Him. Just like there's only one way to the Father--through Jesus Christ-- ONE!
    10. This one is tough for me personally. I have a hard time expecting/anticipating--to me it feels like not being humble it seems prideful. I have had to work hard at letting go of this thought process (Satan trying to use it, I know). I am very practical and very much take it all on and get it done. So to be able to let go and let someone (even God) do something for me is sometimes difficult. This is an area I am personally having to work on.
    11. Thank you Christi. I am saying a prayer of thanksgiving this week for you and your willingness to be used by God in leading us through this study. I have some though homework this week but expecting GREAT things!

  12. Only a day late... This week I expect to be on time.

    1. It is easy to be content or lazy and maybe we limit God.
    2. We get comfortable and familiar and find it hard to step out of our comfort zone.
    3. Spiritual growth, joy, freedom, fruits of the spirit, etc.
    4. His mercies are new each day, Praise God! We must work at obedience.
    6. That it’s just plain easier sometimes, or appears that way.
    7. By simply tempting me with the “appealing” things about sin and the “easy” life.
    9. “Your journey toward abundance and freedom must start at the foot of the cross.” How simple, yet so profound. I’m just reminded how there’s only one true way and I need to trust and give it all to God. Doing it on my own doesn’t work.
    10. To be more prayerful and rely on Him instead of myself and trust in Him.

  13. 1 - I don't think we "get" the life God has for us. We read, hear, sing and talk about it, but it still seems out of reach. We go about life doing the things we have learned are good and most of the time they are good things, however, we miss the relationship that would completely fulfill us.
    2 - They began to follow their wants and desires rather than let God meet their needs. It reminds me of when they begged for a king and God finally gave them Saul. We look around and see what we can do to control our future and then go for it assuming it is what God has for us.
    3 - To "walk" in anything we have to be present...be the ones doing the moving one foot after another. It does not say "think" of freedom or "dream" of freedom it says walk in freedom. We have to move, experience and be a part of that freedom. God does not push us into this freedom he has to offer. He offers it to us and then asks us to walk in it. We can walk in prayer, service, study, fellowship, but never passively.
    5 -
    6 - perks...too many to name: comfort, familiarity, predictability, less change, denying there is an unknown, seems easier at the time,
    7 - Satan fools me by making me think that the past was easier. He makes me think that I am toiling now when life is, in reality, much more peaceful. He makes me want to give up God's gifts and God's perfect will by making me think it was more fun "back when"...
    8 - Jesus is ever with us as our bread from heaven. God also provides his Word and the fellowship of family and friends on a daily basis; He also gives grace as I need it. He provides the gifts of the spirit which we need in order to be his hands and feet to others. None of these are given until we are in a state of need and they cannot be stored up for use later.
    9 - Galations 5:1 "keep standing firm and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery"; "we must retrain ourselves to walk in the ways of freedom" - retrain and freedom seem almost like an oxymoron. However, look at Galations and see that it is completely Biblical. The yoke of slavery will always be there - we must stand firm (train)to avoid it.
    10 - God wants us to seek Him. He is not going to present all He has for us up front. He wants us to long to know Him more and to expect good things from Him all the time. He wants us to believe that His plan is the right one and to follow Him with complete surrender. Recently one of my daughter's Bible study questions was based on the story when God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. The question was, "would you give up everything to God if he asked". She said two things that made me reflect (and by the way are a reflection of me)..."it would be hard if he asked me to give up my puppy or my silky (blanket)" and "he would never ask me to give up you or daddy...he just wouldn't". As for the first - I tend to hold way too tightly to things that I can touch, see and feel instead of seeking the heart of Christ. The second - well all I can say is that I wish I could see God in that innocent light again. It is definitely a faith battle for me to realize that we do lose those we love and we still have a loving God.

    ***wow I have so missed the interaction with women about Biblical teachings. Thanks all of you for sharing your heart and allowing me to share mine.

  14. I am the above "anonymous" :) Allison Pulliam

  15. Sorry I’m so late girls! This week’s been bad. I’ll do better next week!
    1. I think personally I can see the entrapment being chosen because it’s the familiar easy path. I know that’s a LIE… but I realize that it’s one that is easy to fall for. Really truly changing and yielding seems terrifying and different. The old chains are familiar.

    2. This makes me think of a lot of things actually in my life that started out as pretty innocent and ended up being big distractions. Egypt was never meant to be their final destination. It was always intended to be a pit-stop. They made it into their save haven and then dug roots. I know I have done that with some places God has put me.

    3.One thing I notice missing when I continue to live pulled down in chains is joy. Anytime I see myself getting unreasonable… or crazy angry… or dissatisfied (not holy disatisfaction) I can usually trace it to a habit that has creeped in or out.

    4.I know in my heart that Jesus has set me free and that I am free from the bonds of sin but I can chose to live weighed down by sin… and all too often that is my choice.

    6.One perk I have thought about a lot lately is the perk of fitting in a little better… when you live in chains you look like the world a bit more and that make you fit in. When you start to break free the difference starts to shine and that can make people, even other believers who are still in chains uncomfortable.

    7.I get the “you are missing something” trick played on me a lot! Most of the time it is easy to identify as a lie but honestly sometimes it can still get a little rough. I think the key for me has been to keep a journal of where God has had me in the past. When I can see what “Egypt” was really like it is easier to not long for the “good old days!”

    8.I am often tempted to forget what life was like pre-Al (that’s the boyfriend in case you are lost). After a 10 year spell of few dates and no one of significance to actually have a significant other is a big change. And to have one that is sold out for Christ is a huge blessing. Trusting God’s timing on the rest of it but remembering that God provides exactly what we need in His timing.

    9. My favorite quote: “Fear of change and the desire to avoid challenge often stand in the way of a believer’s growing into an experiential relationship with God. This, in fact, is what caused the vast majority of those led out of Egypt to die in the desert instead of the Promised Land.”
    Fear of change - God was speaking to me all about not being afraid of change… it’s like the theme of my year I’m thinking.

    10. I want to expect big things to happen. And I am expecting big things to happen… bigger than I can even think to ask for.
